Contact Us

Brazos Valley Affordable Housing Corporation & Brazos Valley CDC, Inc.

Phone: 979-595-2809
Fax: 979-595-2816

Address: 4001 E. 29th St. Suite 180, Bryan, TX 77802


Equal Housing Opportunity Lender
Contacts for the Brazos Valley Affordable Housing Corp.
Name Position Phone Extension
Paul Turney President, BVAHC (979) 595-2809 Ext 501
Jay Meador Director, Financial Fitness Center (979) 595-2809 Ext 502
Brad Stephen Financial Fitness Coach (979) 595-2809 Ext 503
Belinda Nichols Business Manager (979) 595-2809 Ext 504
Ben Fortner Vice President, BVAHC (979) 595-2809 Ext 505
Nikki Jamal Financial Coach (979) 595-2809 Ext 506
Richard Espinoza Maintenance Tech (979) 595-2809 Ext 507
Vanessa Castoria Receptionist (979) 595-2809 Ext 508
Contact Us
  • For more information about homes for sale and rent, contact us today by using the form below or call 979-595-2809.


Brazos Valley Affordable Housing Corporation and Brazos Valley CDC Inc.

Opportunity Finance Network     Equal Housing Opportunity

Brazos Valley Affordable Housing Corporation BBB Business Review



Brazos Valley Affordable Housing Corporation and Brazos Valley CDC Inc.

  4001 E. 29th St. Suite 180,
      Bryan, TX 77802


  Email Us

For complete contact information, visit our contact page.
