Brazos Valley Affordable Housing Corporation Blog

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Rebuild with Confidence

AUSTIN, TEXAS – On behalf of the building and remodeling industry in Texas, the members of the Texas Association of Builders want to express their heartfelt sympathies to anyone affected by the tropical storm and Hurricane Harvey that hit the Texas Gulf Coast over the weekend. The professional building and remodeling community stands ready to assist our neighbors as we work to rebuild the homes and communities that have been destroyed or damaged.
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Disaster Resources for You and Your Clients

Hurricane Harvey has wreaked havoc on Texas and is not yet finished in the region as we write this to you. News outlets are on overload bringing America up to date on the tragedy unfolding before us. How can you help? One way is to know the resources available to you and to your clients.
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Brazos Valley Affordable Housing Corporation and Brazos Valley CDC Inc.

Opportunity Finance Network     Equal Housing Opportunity

Brazos Valley Affordable Housing Corporation BBB Business Review



Brazos Valley Affordable Housing Corporation and Brazos Valley CDC Inc.

  4001 E. 29th St. Suite 180,
      Bryan, TX 77802


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